Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Being Happy With The Outcome Of Purchasing Discounted Area Rugs

By Rhea Solomon

Big changes occur in our home and work environments. Sometimes the upheaval of a move to a new house, large home improvements or simply the boredom and blandness of finding that one's preferences of interior decor have significantly changed can leave one feeling the urge to change things up a bit. One easy way to do this is with the purchase of discounted area rugs. Other changes can include sofas, coffee tables, bookcases, new plants or tasteful artwork and a well-chosen rug is just the thing to tie it all together.

In creating beautiful home decor, all of the individual aspects of a room work together to create an enjoyable environment. Some would call this synergy. A floor-covering change will be best made when several factors are considered. Sizing, for example, is essential to choosing the final purchase. Nearly any size rug can be created with a custom order but when on a budget, the most economical choice will be to know common area rug sizes that most stores will have in stock.

Typical dimensions include but are not limited to (in feet): 4 x 6, 5 x 8, 6 x 9, 8 x 10, 9 x 12 and 12 x 14. Rugs may also be round or oval in shape. It is suggested to look for a smaller size to accent a small area under a coffee table or to go with something larger to create a similar feel as carpet.

Along with size options, there are also many differing styles to choose from. From contemporary to more traditional choices, it is common to find that there is one particular style to fit the taste of a room and others would bring disharmony in the space.

Knowing the price range that is desired before a person takes the time to start looking will help narrow down the search. Price ranges vary greatly between stores, styles and sizes and one can typically expect that as the size increases, so will the price.

Another factor that can be considered in order to get the most out of this purchase is the potential for flexibility. One can ask the question, "Will this rug work only in this room or can I use it again in the future?" When a piece of decor is highly specific to one room, it becomes difficult to reuse. The key here is to choose styles and sizes that can go in a variety of places and to match it to the furniture instead of the room.

Choosing where to buy is greatly affected by how many buying options and sources consumers are faced with today. In fact, this very factor is what allows for lower prices. If buying online, product availability increases but shipping can be a major deterrent unless it is included in the price. Specialty shops will typically offer expertise accompanied by higher prices. It is helpful to keep in mind that department or home improvement stores usually carry rugs, as do local classifieds.

Being willing to consider re-purposing gently used items can go a long way in the search for discounted area rugs. Store-wide discounts, sales and clearances, as well as online specials are sources of great buys. The best advice is found in planning ahead, price and quality comparison and having a clear picture of what is desired.

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