Monday, November 2, 2015

Modern Kitchen Renovation

By Loreley G. Weidner

The first and foremost question that you need to address is why you are currently opting for a kitchen renovation. There can be a variety of reasons, but most of them will include either cramped space, lack of smart storage options, reduced functionality and a look that is not trendy anymore. A culmination of these or even any one of the above should be enough for you to go for a renovation that suits your needs. But remember that you need to convey what you are looking for to your designer, clearly, so that you get the results you want.

Bring in more natural light: The more light you can get in a small kitchen, the better - and natural light is excellent for this purpose. Nice big windows are the best way to go, so if you can increase the size of the window in your kitchen this is a great start (although it's a pretty complicated thing to do). Even if you can't do that, removing overhead cabinets that directly flank your kitchen window on either side can help disperse light more evenly. A roof window / skylight can make a massive difference too, if you've got the budget for it.

Make it white: A small kitchen's really not the place to mark your creative territory with bold colours and patterns - they'll just make it look busier and more complicated. Solid, lighter colours for cabinets and benches (especially white) will help to reflect light into every corner, and keep things looking simple and tidy.

Get smaller or multifunction appliances: If you're not planning on cooking for an army, a full sized oven or dishwasher is going to take up more than its fair share of precious space. Look into appliances that'll realistically suit your needs. Sometimes a good convection microwave might be all that's needed - and if you don't cook a lot, you mightn't need a dishwasher at all.

Slide-away benches: In really small spaces, extra benches that fold or slide out from under the main bench can make a huge difference to how easy it is to use your kitchen. Never underestimate how useful a single, extra surface can be. Always plan for a reasonably sized fridge: The fridge is likely to be the biggest appliance in the kitchen - but unless your place is a 15 square metre micro-studio apartment, you shouldn't make the mistake of only allocating enough space for a bar fridge. Remember to allocate space for bins and compost: Being serious with how space is allocated is one thing, but don't forget to leave room (even if it's just a narrow cupboard or 20cm of floor space near the door) for rubbish and compost bins.

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