Thursday, May 28, 2015

Advantages Of Doing A Basement Remodeling York PA

By Roger Gorman

For the longest time, home basements have been relegated to the status of dingy box room, a place to store boxes full of stuff we will never need again but can't quite bring ourselves to dispose of. Basements have also gotten a bad rap as the go-to place for baddies in slasher movies. Now, basement remodeling York PA can add space and value to your home and, by banishing the bad guys, possibly add years to your life.

A remodeled basement room doesn't have to look gloomy. While it is fortunate when you have windows in the basement, it is surprising what can be done with clever lighting and decor. Carefully placed recessed spotlights and pale colors for the ceiling and at least three of the walls can give the illusion of light and space. Taking out the exiting staircase and putting in a set of open stairs will really open up the space.

The beauty of a basement is that it is somewhat detached from the rest of the household. Normal rules need not apply. This is an opportunity to experiment with different looks or even to hone your painting and decorating techniques. If you set it up for a specific use and it doesn't pan out, set it up for something else. You haven't lost anything because you weren't really using that space, anyway.

The Man Cave. A woman can learn a lot about a man from the things he puts into his personal sanctuary. Experts say that it is an expression of who they are inside. With the owner's permission, this space can double as a guest room, media room, or den/study/library. Under no circumstances should it be used to store fabric, crafting supplies or cleaning materials.

Basement Bar. Contrary to what people believe, it is cellar temperature, i. E., 53.6 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit, and not room temperature, circa 65 to 70 degrees, that is the correct temperature for serving English-style real ale. The basement makes the perfect environment for joining the craft beer revolution.

Whether you are using your "new" space to run a business, keep the kids quiet, or as a place for the man of the house to hide away, add a sofa bed and you have a new spare room for overnight guests. Think ahead and install an en-suite bathroom and small kitchenette and it's a place for mom and dad to spend their golden years.

Using a basement purely for additional storage space is a huge waste. If you can't bear to part with your belongings, that's what rafters are for. You can throw down a few sheets of plywood and store the boxes out of the way. There is so much more you can do with the extra space, and by smartening it up with just a minimum of effort, you might even add value to your house if you decide to sell it at a later date.

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